For information about a specific managed care organization not found on this site, please contact the organization directly.
Please note that the most up-to-date and accurate information can be found on each manage care organization's website.
Provider Contracting Appeals & Complaints Critical Incidents (Including Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation Fraud, Waste & Abuse Provider Services Managed Care Contracts & ManualsClients enrolled in Texas Managed Care receive services through one of the following programs:
STAR is the statewide managed care program primarily for pregnant women and low-income children and caretakers. Most people in Texas Medicaid get their coverage through STAR.
STAR+PLUS is the statewide managed care program for people who have disabilities or are age 65 and older. STAR+PLUS recipients receive coordinated health care and long-term services and supports through the Medicaid health plan of their choice.
STAR HealthSTAR Health is the statewide managed care program that provides coordinated health services to children and youth in foster care or kinship care. STAR Health benefits include medical, dental and behavioral health services, as well as service coordination and a web-based medical record called Health Passport.
STAR Kids is the statewide managed care program that provides Medicaid benefits to children and adults age 20 and younger who have disabilities. The program provides benefits such as prescription drugs, hospital care, primary and specialty care, preventive care, personal care services, private duty nursing, and durable medical equipment and supplies.
The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is the statewide managed care program that offers low-cost health coverage for children from birth through age 18. CHIP is designed for families that cannot afford private health coverage but have too much income to qualify for Medicaid.