Hunting Licenses and Permits

To hunt in Maine, you must have a valid hunting license. Hunting licenses are valid for one calendar year, starting January 1 (or on the date of purchase if after January 1). The type of license you need depends upon your age, if you are a Maine resident or nonresident, hunting method, and other factors. Some species and hunting methods require additional permits, which are outlined below. Hunting licenses and permits may be purchased online or at local agents such as town offices. Purchase a License or Permit Online

What does my hunting license cover?

Big Game License

A big game license permits hunting of all legal species, including deer, bear, moose, raccoon, and bobcat (additional permits apply for certain species and seasons which are described below). A big game hunting license also permits the hunter to hunt small game, you do not need to purchase both the big game and the small game hunting license. Archery hunting licenses, Res Hunt, and Nonresident (NR) Hunt are big game hunting licenses. Combination licenses, such as Fish/Hunt, Fish/Archery, and Nonresident Fish/Hunt are all big game hunting licenses. Hunters still need to apply for moose and antlerless deer permits.

Small Game License

A small game license permits hunting of all game species except deer, bear, moose, raccoon, and bobcat. A hunter is still required to purchase any additional permit that is required to hunt that species. If you have a junior, apprentice, super pack, lifetime (and are over the age of 70), or a complimentary license, some permits may be included with your license. Learn more about special hunting licenses.

Permit Requirements by Species

Antlered White-tailed Deer Hunting

Hunting Method Resident Status License Permit
Firearm Resident Res Hunt ($26)
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115)
Archery Resident Res Archery ($26)
Nonresident NR Archery ($75) or NR 6-day Archery ($26)
Muzzleloader Resident Res Hunt ($26) Res Muzzleloader Hunt ($13)
Muzzleloader permit is only required during the muzzleloader season on deer.
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115) NR Muzzleloader Hunt ($69)
Permit is only required during the Muzzleloader season on deer.
Expanded Archery Resident Res Archery ($26) Either-Sex Expanded Permit ($32)
Nonresident NR Archery ($75) or NR 6-day Archery ($26) Either-Sex Expanded Permit ($32)

Antlerless White-tailed Deer Hunting

Antlerless deer permits can be obtained through the lottery and extra permits are available for purchase online on a first come, first served basis.

Hunting Method Resident Status License Permit
Firearm Resident Res Hunt ($26) Antlerless Deer Permit ($12)
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115) Antlerless Deer Permit ($12)
Archery Resident Res Archery ($26) During the Regular Archery Season, an Antlerless Deer Permit ($12) may not be required in certain WMDs, learn more by visiting the deer permit website page. If hunting archery during the firearms season, an Antlerless Deer Permit is required.
Nonresident NR Archery ($75) or NR 6-day Archery ($26) During the Regular Archery Season, an Antlerless Deer Permit ($12) may not be required in certain WMDs, learn more by visiting the deer permit website page. If hunting archery during the firearms season, an Antlerless Deer Permit is required.
Muzzleloader Resident Res Hunt ($26) Res Muzzleloader Hunt ($13) + Antleress Deer Permit ($12)
Muzzleloader permit is only required during the muzzleloader season on deer.
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115) NR Muzzleloader Hunt ($69) + Antleress Deer Permit ($12)
Permit is only required during the Muzzleloader season on deer.
Expanded Archery Resident Res Archery ($26) Expanded Antlerless Deer Permit ($12) and/or Either-Sex Expanded Permit ($32)
Nonresident NR Archery ($75) or NR 6-day Archery ($26) Expanded Antlerless Deer Permit ($12) and/or Either-Sex Expanded Permit ($32)

Bear Hunting

Hunting Method Resident Status License Permit
Firearm Resident Res Hunt ($26) Bear Permit ($10)
Bear permit is only required for Maine Residents when hunting bear prior to the Firearms season on deer.
If using a dog to train or hunt for bear, a Dog Training and Hunting Permit* ($12) is also required.
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115) Bear Permit ($74 – full season) OR Late Season Bear Permit ($40 – valid during firearms season on deer only)
If using a dog to hunt for bear, a Dog Training and Hunting Permit* ($12) is also required and the nonresident must be in the presence of a Maine guide, see exceptions.
Archery Resident Res Archery ($26) Bear Permit ($10)
Bear permit is only required for Maine Residents when hunting bear prior to the Firearms season on deer.
If using a dog to train or hunt for bear, a Dog Training and Hunting Permit* ($12) is also required.
Nonresident NR Archery ($75) or NR 6-day Archery ($26) Bear Permit ($74 – full season) OR Late Season Bear Permit ($40 – valid during firearms season on deer only)
If using a dog to hunt for bear, a Dog Training and Hunting Permit* ($12) is also required and the nonresident must be in the presence of a Maine guide, see exceptions.

Moose Hunting

Moose permits can be obtained through the lottery (lottery is open April – mid-May), by auction, or by outfitter tag.

Hunting Method Resident Status License Permit
Firearm Resident Res Hunt ($26) Moose Permit ($52)
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115) Moose Permit ($585)
Archery Resident Res Archery ($26) Moose Permit ($52)
Nonresident NR Archery ($75) or NR 6-day Archery ($26) Moose Permit ($585)

Wild Turkey Hunting

Hunting Method Resident Status License Permit
Firearm Resident Res Hunt ($26) or Res Small Game Hunt ($15) Spring/Fall Turkey Permit ($20)
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115) or NR Small Game Hunt ($75) Spring/Fall Turkey Permit ($20)
Archery Resident Res Archery ($26) Spring/Fall Turkey Permit ($20)
Nonresident NR Archery ($75) or NR 6-day Archery ($26) Spring/Fall Turkey Permit ($20)

Migratory Waterfowl Hunting

Hunting Method Resident Status License Permit
Firearm Resident Res Hunt ($26) or Res Small Game Hunt ($15) A State Migratory Waterfowl Permit and a Federal Duck Stamp are required. The state permit/stamp ($7.50) can be purchased online at or at any licensing agent. The Federal permit/stamp can be purchased at your local Post Office ($25.00).
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115) or NR Small Game Hunt ($75) OR 3-Day NR Small Game ($50)

Ruffed Grouse, Bobwhite Quail, Woodcock, Snowshoe Hare, Skunk, and Opossum Hunting

Hunting Method Resident Status License Permit
Firearm Resident Res Hunt ($26) or Res Small Game Hunt ($15) No permits required
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115) or NR Small Game Hunt ($75) OR 3-Day NR Small Game ($50) No permits required

Pheasant Hunting

Hunting Method Resident Status License Permit
Firearm Resident Res Hunt ($26) or Res Small Game Hunt ($15) A Pheasant Permit ($27) is required when hunting in York and Cumberland Counties.
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115) or NR Small Game Hunt ($75) OR 3-Day NR Small Game ($50) A Pheasant Permit ($27) is required when hunting in York and Cumberland Counties.

Bobcat Hunting

Hunting Method Resident Status License Permit
Firearm Resident Res Hunt ($26) If using a dog to hunt for bobcat or fox, a Dog Training and Hunting Permit* ($12) is also required.
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115) If using a dog to hunt for bobcat or fox, a Dog Training and Hunting Permit* ($12) is also required.

Coyote Hunting

Hunting Method Resident Status License Permit
Firearm Resident Res Hunt ($26) or Res Small Game Hunt ($15) To hunt coyote at night during the Night Hunting Season, a Coyote Night Hunting Permit ($4) is required.
If using a dog to hunt for coyote, a Dog Training and Hunting Permit* ($12) is also required.
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115) or NR Small Game Hunt ($75) OR 3-Day NR Small Game ($50) To hunt coyote at night during the Night Hunting Season, a Coyote Night Hunting Permit ($4) is required.
If using a dog to hunt for coyote, a Dog Training and Hunting Permit* ($12) is also required.

Raccoon Hunting

Hunting Method Resident Status License Permit
Firearm Resident Res Hunt ($26) If using a dog to train or hunt for raccon, a Dog Training and Hunting Permit* ($12) is also required.
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115) If using a dog to train or hunt for raccon, a Dog Training and Hunting Permit* ($12) is also required.

Fox Hunting

Hunting Method Resident Status License Permit
Firearm Resident Res Hunt ($26) or Res Small Game Hunt ($15) If using a dog to train or hunt for fox, a Dog Training and Hunting Permit* ($12) is also required.
Nonresident NR Hunt ($115) or NR Small Game Hunt ($75) OR 3-Day NR Small Game ($50) If using a dog to train or hunt for fox, a Dog Training and Hunting Permit* ($12) is also required.

* A person who is training or hunting with a dog under the supervision of and in the presence of a registered Maine hunting guide who has a valid Dog Training and Hunting Permit is exempt from possessing the permit. Learn more about hunting with dogs and dog training. Fees listed do not include the agent fee. The commissioner may revoke all licenses and permits to any person who fails to pay the fees due and may recover fees associated with insufficient funds.

Special Hunting Licenses

Fishing and Hunting Combination License

Fish/Hunt, Fish/Archery, and Nonresident Fish/Hunt Combination licenses are all Big Game hunting licenses. Residents with a Fish/Hunt license fall under the the "Res Hunt" license type, and residents with a Fish/Archery fall under the "Res Archery" license type in the charts above. Nonresidents with a Fish/Hunt Combination license should follow the "NR Archery" license type in the charts above.

Junior Hunting License

The junior hunting license includes hunting permits for muzzleloader, spring and fall turkey, bear, coyote night hunt, pheasant, state migratory waterfowl, one expanded archery antlerless deer permit, and one expanded archery either-sex permit. Note: Junior hunters do not need to obtain a physical permit for the permits listed above as they are included in the license.

Apprentice Hunting License

An apprentice hunting license is for anyone over the age of 16 years old, who has not completed a hunter safety in any state or province, nor held an adult hunting license in any state or province to try hunting. The apprentice hunter must hunt in the presence of an apprentice supervisor who is at least 18 years of age and has held an adult hunting license for the prior three consecutive years. The apprentice license covers the hunter’s bear and turkey permit, all other permits are still required to be purchased. A person cannot hunt moose on an apprentice license. *Note: An apprentice license can be purchased no more than five times by one hunter and does not exempt the hunter from completing hunter safety to get an adult hunting license.

Super Pack License

A super pack license is only available for Maine Residents, and it is a yearly cost of $207. This license covers the licensee for hunting, fishing, archery, spring/fall turkey, muzzleloader, migratory waterfowl (state stamp), pheasant, bear hunting, coyote night hunt, one either-sex expanded archery permit, and three expanded archery antlerless permits. The super pack also includes a free entry to the moose lottery – you must still apply to the lottery. It also enters you into a specialized category when you apply to the antlerless deer permit lottery. If you win an antlerless deer permit through this special drawing, the super pack license holder does not need to pay the fee or claim the permit. If you do not win a super pack antlerless deer permit, you will automatically be entered into the regular antlerless deer permit lottery for another chance to win. If you win a permit in the regular antlerless deer permit lottery, you will need to claim the permit and pay the fee. Hunters who hunt/train dogs on bear, bobcat, coyote, raccoon, and fox must contact the Department to get a copy of their dog hunting/training permit free of charge. *Note: The super pack license does not cover the Federal migratory waterfowl stamp. Hunters must meet all the safety course requirements to use any of the legal forms of hunting equipment (firearm and archery).

Maine Lifetime License

A lifetime license, purchased for yourself or as a gift, allows the bearer to fish, trap, and/or hunt for their lifetime, regardless of where they live in the future. Revenues generated by these licenses are deposited in a special trust fund that provides long term financial support for Maine's fish and wildlife.

Residents Fishing Hunting Archery Trapping Combination
of any two*
Combination of any three*
5 years & under $150 $150 $150 $150 $250 $400
6 – 15 years $300 $300 $300 $300 $500 $800
65 years of age $50 $50 $50 $50 $80 $110
66 years of age $40 $40 $40 $40 $64 $94
67 years of age $30 $30 $30 $30 $48 $78
68 years of age $20 $20 $20 $20 $32 $52
69 years of age $10 $10 $10 $10 $16 $26
70 and older $8.00 — Covers all authorities that you are qualified to receive, see below.
Nonresidents Fishing Hunting Archery Trapping Combination
of any two*
Combination of any three*
5 years & under $450 $450 $450 $450 $750 $1,200
6 – 15 years $900 $900 $900 $900 $1,500 $2,400

* Hunting, fishing, archery Ages 0 - 15 & 70 + - All hunting permits are included with the lifetime license. Must still apply to the moose & antlerless deer permit lotteries. Hunters over 70 must still purchase the saltwater fish registry, Federal Migratory Waterfowl permit, and dog training/hunting permit for bear, bobcat, coyote, raccoon, and fox.

Ages 16 – 69 - Hunters must still purchase any additional permit that is required. Must still apply to the moose & antlerless deer permit lotteries. Note: Anyone 16 years of age an over, that wish to fish in salt water must purchase the saltwater fish registry. The Federal migratory waterfowl stamp must also be purchase for those wishing to hunt migratory birds.

Complimentary Hunting Licenses

Disabled Veterans: Maine resident and non-residents (if reciprocal privileges exist in their home state) who have been honorably discharged from the U.S. Armed Forces or the National Guard and have a service-connected disability of 50% or more will be issued, upon application, a complimentary license to fish, trap, or hunt (including all necessary permits and other permissions, and upon meeting qualifications) as well as one expanded archery either sex permit and one expanded archery antlerless permit. Must still apply for the moose & antlerless deer lotteries. *Note: This license does not cover the saltwater fish registry or the Federal migratory waterfowl stamp. License also does not cover dog training/hunting permit for bear, bobcat, coyote, raccoon, and fox. Native Americans: The commissioner shall issue a complimentary lifetime hunting, archery, trapping and fishing license, including permits and other permissions needed to hunt, trap and fish, to a person, who is an enrolled member of the Passamaquoddy Tribe, the Penobscot Nation, the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians, or the Aroostook Band of Micmacs, if the person presents certification from the respective reservation governor or the Aroostook Micmac Council stating that they are an enrolled member of that federally recognized nation, band or tribe. *Note: This license does not cover the saltwater fish registry or the Federal migratory waterfowl stamp. License also does not cover dog training/hunting permit for bear, bobcat, coyote, raccoon, and fox. Paraplegic: A hunter who has lost or has permanently lost the use of both lower extremities may apply for a complimentary paraplegic hunting license. This license covers the hunter for all the additional hunting permits. Must still apply for the moose & antlerless deer lotteries. *Note: This license does not cover the saltwater fish registry or the Federal migratory waterfowl stamp. License also does not cover dog training/hunting permit for bear, bobcat, coyote, raccoon, and fox.

For more information about hunting licenses, including safety course requirements to obtain a license, please view the Hunting License Information in the hunting law book.


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